Saturday, October 23, 2010

Listen to your Mother!

Overall, getting older is not too bad. 
It's really nice to have a lot of experience behind my decision making...but now I chose the end result that won't leave me out of breath or to stiff to stand up after I have been seated.
I made Many bad decisions when it came to how I treated my body.  I worked hard, played harder & crashed into many proverbial brick walls.
Some of the bad choices from my past have decided to lay claim to specific parts my body & they are pissed! 
I'm not sure if Mom was right all those years ago...but my knuckles have arthritis & it's probably from cracking them.  (I did do quite a bit of physical work while employed, I'm sure that contributed also-but the knuckle warned me).  
When I get injured, it's usually something really weird that causes the injury. 
At 17 I was running to get on a bus, I jumped up when I reached the door (still running) and hit my head on the top of the door entrance--knocked myself out for a few minutes.  I have an injured neck now, probably made worse over the years because I wouldn't sit up straight the way MOM told me to, numerous times.  When I was 27 I was at a surf party (in the middle of Seattle). I had a real coconut fall onto my head (from a fake tree) and ended up with a nice concussion and an expensive hospital bill. 
I pulled my hip muscles while bowling and ended up on crutches---I am banned from bowling FOREVER.
I broke my collar bone while jumping off a swing (age 37--the swing was actually at fault, but that doesn't change a broken bone). 
I have many more stories....but these few are to give you an idea of how I have been injured through the years & how all those joints, muscles, tendons and bones are reacting the older I get.  They are not happy.....
Mom was right, all that nagging she did about the posture and being good to your body.
I just hope my face doesn't get stuck "like that".

I feel an "M" fest coming on~~Menopause, moms, moods....funfunfun



  1. I should congratulate you on surviving after all the accidents you've suffered. Nice to hear that you don't mind getting older - a sign of wisdom in my view.

  2. Thanks Gorilla Bananas...the only thing that really gets me about aging: I keep on seeing my Mom in the mirror.
    I like your unique point of view on topics--I would never have thought a Gorilla to be so well rounded & knowledgeable...very refreshing!
